9/29/22 Dr. Maria Conwell
Trumps return confirmation 2022 and Lunc buy and sell orders! This confirms two prior revelations concerning Trumps return here from 1. When Donald Trump Returns to Office 2. Dream of Donald Trump I just placed a buy limit order for Lunc at .00022 and it will be filled at 454545.4545=Trump 2022 prophetic numbers! 45, 5 times; that is grace! Gods mercy! ❤️🙏🥰 Trump is on the way through His grace! 🙌🏻🔥😇 I wanted to share the price points the Lord gave me for Lunc. This is not investment advice and you need to do your own due diligence including seeking the Lord for what He wants you to do concerning cryptocurrencies. Everyone’s situation is different as well as everyone’s purpose that He has called you to. “For his eyes are upon our ways, and all our steps he sees.” Job 34:21 NABRE The sell targets the Lord gave me for Lunc: these are close and approximate and not exact so please pray about it and what the Lord is leading you to do. .40-.60 cents; 1-5$ dollars; 10-16$, 53-62$; it may go higher but these are sell targets; and when to sell for my circumstances. Seek the Lord for your individual sell targets. God bless! 🙏
10/1/2022 12:15:50 pm
I believe it will; I chose to put down 100$ for Lunc at .00022 for the year 2022! When I did that I received the confirmation of 454444.4545 which is the amount of Lunc I will receive at that price point. Then I noticed that there were 5; 45’s in the total position. What I do believe is this; that when this order fills in 2022; then Trump will be returning by Gods grace! As God speaks to me in numbers too and that is what I understand from that. 🙏
10/1/2022 10:22:14 am
Hey Maria, please explain your sell order prophecy. Are you saying that you have a sell order at 454,545.4545? If not, what do you mean 10/1/2022 12:21:15 pm
Hi no, that is the amount of Lunc I will receive once the order fills. I put 100$ down to buy Lunc at .00022 for the year 2022! That was intentional as I am expecting great things for Lunc in 2022 so that is why I chose that but number. It was an act of faith. Comments are closed.