Double Tsunami: I also wanted to share this concerning the double tsunami since the Lord spoke that to me many months ago concerning the cryptocurrency shiba inu and again this morning; as I believe many people have not put in their sell limit orders yet. As I awoke this morning from sleep I heard in my spirit and felt in my body an electric current or wave 🌊 go through me and then I heard; two tsunamis, two tsunamis are coming! 🔥
To summarize concerning Shiba Inu: He also gave me other words and visions where I heard in my dream .0005 cents and then I looked and saw .50 cents. Also, I believe I mentioned elsewhere maybe on z3 as well as the website that the Lord told me it would go to .00014 and .00028. So there are 4 other places where you could pray about putting a shiba limit order in for. Also I believe Robyn Cunningham recently posted .10 cent shiba inu so that would be another place to pray about taking profits. I don’t recommend waiting for tops, but taking a measured approach and pulling partial profits at each point. And there were other prophets who saw 3$ and 7$, maybe the profit prophet and others. So based on that I would advise (not financial advise!😂) maybe splitting your total shiba into sell orders of 10% each. For example 100,000,000 shiba inu would be divided into 10 - 10,000,000 shiba sell order at .00014, .00028, .0005, .10, .50, 1$, 3$, 7$, 13$, and save 10% for any increases above that! That is a measured approach and hopefully God will bless prudence also and increase and multiply us thereby. I do not know if it will be a straight up or an up and pull back between waves so that is why it is good to set the limit orders, first in first filled, etc…and also to use some of the profits to buy shina with the second pull back before the second tidal wave. 🙏 Maria 8/13/2022: Sharing a word I received on xrp today and a confirmatory email from a family member immediately after! Please bring all prophetic words and dreams to the Lord in prayer and ask Him how you are to prepare and what He would have you do. 🙏Maria ✍️ Had a flash dream, it was so fast. I saw a ledger and I saw XRP $11,000 Remember the week before I thought it was Shiba…so maybe that’s the order. Shiba then XRP Karen From John’s Leaps Evangelization From Maria:
Many times I will get a flash dream and early in morning too! It is valid! The Lord was just speaking to me about xrp that it is going up soon and to sell only 30%. I honestly was pondering to myself, well maybe it was going to 3.50$. Which was a Prior top, or 12$ which is a price He told me it would reach and which has been confirmed by analysts who evaluate charts etc… like blockchain backer. And then I thought well maybe it is going to go to 70$ like Manuel Johnson prophesied late last year for this year. And then you shared your flash dream! 😂Haha God is so good! We need to open up our minds to prepare ourselves for all the good He has in store for us! The silver is mine and the Gold is mine, thus says the the Lord! It all comes from and belongs in His storehouse! Who will steward it for Him? God bless, Amen 🙏 |