3/17/24: Words I received this morning from the Lord. “Shakita: a short and unexpected rise. This is a marker for the markets. It will go up and then come down”. I asked the Lord should I invest and the Lord said. “This confirms Milton’s BTC call”. Yesterday Milton stated a prediction for BTC for the group! Please check that out below!⬇️ No, I’m expecting it to bounce from here to $72k or $75k+, before down to $60-61k (from Milton!) Thanks 🙏You have heard the saying from scripture we prophesy in part? And this word given on 2/9/24 is a good example of what that means. At the time I was wondering myself what did these words of the Lord mean? Did it mean Redd coin would rise or did it mean Stellar? Since the second part of that prophecy given was: after the superbowl the rise shall be stellar! So watch it rise and after the Super Bowl the rise shall be stellar; are part of the same prophetic word. Since that time, BTC has gone up from 42K to 72k and with it all the alt coins as well. His spoken word released into the atmosphere brings about the fulfillment of His word as it never returns to Him void. Because in the beginning the word was spoken by God and the world came into being. His word spoken brings about the change. I wait and watch in wonder with all of you as He does the good thing He has determined to do. For God is always good. And He fulfills His promises.
All glory to God! Amen 🙏 Maria 🔥onesmallflame.com I had a flash dream. I was walking around a place outside like a park with other people and we were waiting and talking. The people were talking about Volt inu and Shiba Inu. They were saying that Volt inu was about to run. Then a person confirmed this to me by asking me, did I know that Shiba Inu was getting a contract with Disney for merchandise?
***This was the indicator for Volt Inu’s run. So we wait on His promises, which are yes and amen! Shiba Inu will be getting a Disney contract for merchandise and Volt Inu will run! Praise the Lord! ❤️Maria @onesmallflame.com The Lord asked me if I wanted to know a new coin to invest in? I said, "Yes of course". He said, "This one will do really well". Perhaps it is a little Lottle coin? Consider buying via DCA at lower buys prices and dollar cost average in over time since it has already risen a bit. Not financial advice! Please pray and ask the Lord what to do for your situation. 🙏 Maria 🔥