XRP My Plan 👆👆👆/ Dr. Maria Conwell / OneSmallFlame.com 🔥
❤️ This is my plan that I penned out for myself under Holy Spirit guidance last year for XRP. ✍️ The Lord told me in August to sell only 30% and then my friend Karen had the dream that I shared about XRP going to 11,000. So if the recommendation is only to sell some, then the real value of XRP is in holding it for generational wealth. I believe the true value is greater than 1 Million as XRP has “glitched” in the past in 2019 at 23,000,000.00 per xrp on my coinbase account. I will hopefully find the screen shot I took of that at the time! The real value of xrp is holding it for use on the XRP Ledger where it will be used to move all the money in the world. I believe xrp will become the new way of banking or moving money from one person, corporation, financial system to another. If XRP wins the sec lawsuit then the banks and bankers will try and crash the system to save their own sinking ship. Don’t panic or fear, the Lord has given us strategy. Remember to have your low buy limit orders placed for the prophetic cryptos you want: shiba, lunc, xrp, xlm, BTC, ZRX, Storj, Hbar, algo, Zilla, vet, Trx, Redd, LTC, etc….here is my kucoin link where you can place a low buy limit order for xrp with usdt on the trading platform. ALGO / Dr. Maria Conwell / OneSmallFlame.com 🔥
Algo: The Lord told me to buy Algo at 0.30 cents so that was a low that just was hit. So it isn’t too late to buy Algo on coinbase for that price if you want some. This was just for me from the Lord, but I know many of you are tight on cash and this may be a quick flip. I also use it for daily payments and transactions, I have gotten away from using the plastic credit cards as the Lord showed me in the quick flash dreams that they are going away and to migrate to the phones. God bless. 🙏 The nice thing about Algo, is once you buy it you earn 5.75% on your holdings via coinbase. And you can use it for buying and selling via the coinbase card and earn 4% XLM with your purchases. The coinbase card is also kept on the coinbase app and can be linked to your apple wallet for purchases when you want to use it. 🙏 10/20/22 Dr. Maria Conwell What the Lord just told me about this woman and this message is she is the last messenger that He has sent to tell the world about Shiba Inu. “She is the last messenger. “ all this time I thought the Lord was waiting on His people getting in line and responding to His word concerning Shiba Inu before He allowed the blessing to come. But no, He was waiting on His last Messenger. Wow 🤩 Isn’t God the best! He wanted all of His messengers and friends to be known in this wealth transfer. It will be suddenly and unexpected. A word the Lord has given me for the past two years. I can confirm everything she is saying as the Lord has also given me a confirmation word to share since last 10/13/22 which I will Share today since His last Messenger has spoken. She spoke of a natural Disaster and water on the ground after it. Hasn’t the Lord been speaking about shiba inu to me And also about tsunamis for the past several years! Now the loop has been completed and His infinity of wealth can begin. I will share the message later today on onesmallflame prophecy channel on you tube. Blessings, Maria https://youtu.be/G9lx-NLY-Wo 10/12/22 Dr. Maria 🔥
This is a dream from a community member and my interpretation concerning tron/TRX🙏 Maria Here it is: JT 10/11/2022 06:56:03 am Here is the complete detailed dream for the salmon TRX: 22.10.09 It was in video game format. It was a ocean filled with underwatergreen grass with height as tall as the dept of the ocean, the "farm" covers a wide rectangular area. there were fish that looks like whale, but it was salmon, it was revealed they have pink flesh. then I kept clicking them to sell them, then a female voice narrated don't keep selling, you'll drive them away, It's summer, the salmons are migrating to your farm. (Then more whales kept coming.) Narrator: Now your farm is expanding then a rectangle overlay in the form of a meter in the ocean with the waves in the middle and the number kept moving from 0.99, 0.98 I remembered your poem about trx, with this I conclude that it's gonna take awhile before spiking into a rather huge number, but when it does it's going to be as wide as the ocean? REPLY MARIA CONWELL LINK 10/11/2022 08:40:33 am The salmons are the big money that is coming to you; the ocean is the liquidity of the currency it is liquid, the farm is your crypto currency and your exchanges. Selling the salmon to early prevents more money from coming to you (salmon=provision of God) pink is heavenly and heaven sent/angelic realms. It looks like a farm because there are lots of green plants there which represent your finances and green currency and money. So you will have a farm full of financial blessings flowing in liquidity and provision. As far as the .99 and .98 surrounding the farm; it makes me think that at a certain point you will convert your currency to usdc and maintains its value at the 1$ mark. Keeps the farm afloat as the measure or meter appears on top of the sea farm. Tron spiking dream and seeing 738; it may be a first stop for tron 7.38$. Or even .738$. But the Lord is leading me to add the number up so they would equal 18$. Which I can confirm as the Lord showed me 20$ for tron a while back. Let me know if this dream interpretation resonates with you. This is what I am hearing from the Lord and also if you have anything else to add concerning the tron spike. I do believe tron is moving up and have sensed that will also be soon. God bless! And thank you for sharing! 🙏❤️🔥👍🏻 JT 10/11/2022 09:17:09 am Wow, that's a whole new level of dream interpretation. Thank you for the wonderful insight! Regarding the "Salmon". They look like Orca Whales, but there's a dialog that shows their meat is pink, and the narrator calls them Salmon I forgot to share this 22.10.07 7.02 (cents?) I think this is trx There's also some promising news about TRX Justin Sun could buy Huobi https://beincrypto.com/real-buyers-huobi-global-could-justin-sun-sbf-according-new-reports/ Justin Sun could buy Suisse Bank https://www.cryptopolitan.com/justin-sun-plan-credit-suisse/ REPLY MARIA CONWELL LINK 10/12/2022 08:53:26 am My sense is that you are the whale and that is another reason why the lady/Angel in your dream warned you not to sell too fast as you would effect the market! So you saw 7$ and 2 cent Trx in your dream? That is awesome news! Praise God! The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step! Justin Sun is very much like this. 🙏❤️🙌🏻👍🏻🥰. Buy tron or Trx for all those that haven’t invested yet. It is a keeper! And one of the earliest cryptos the Lord told me to buy, along with LTC, XLM and Redd. Maria THE BIBLICAL TITHE AND THE MUSTARD SEED OF SHIBA INU:
Hi Army, and for all those wondering about the 10% recommendation; we know 10% is the biblical tithe. So putting aside ten percent of your shiba inu and making that your tithe to the Lord is a great idea! What if shiba inu goes above 301$? Here is an illustration. If you currently own 10,000,000.00 shiba inu you would set sell limit orders at whatever level you feel the Lord is leading you to sell at. So far the Lord has told me to tell His people that Shiba inu will reach 1$ and 13$, now He has also released 31$ and 301$. So these are areas where you can sell shiba inu at. Also in a dream I heard that shiba inu hit .0005 cents and when I looked to confirm it in my dream it was already at .50 cents and this happened quickly! Although I do not know your circumstances and cannot give you financial advice; based on the prophetic words and dreams I received you could sell shiba inu at these various levels if the Lord confirms that to you so I encourage you to seek the Lord always! So you would set a sell limit order for shiba inu into usd or usdc or usdt depending on the exchange. If you have 10 million shiba inu; then you could put a sell limit order for 2 million shiba inu at .50; 2 million at 1$, 2 million at 13$, 2 million at 31$ and 1 million at 310$. At the end of that you would have about 400 million dollars if you don’t sell all you have at the earlier prices. And you would have 10% of your shiba inu left over for higher prices. The beauty of sell limit orders is now the work is done and you don’t have think about it. Cover your finances and investments with the blood of Jesus and leave the rest to Him. My recommendation to put ten percent aside for the higher prices and that would be 1 million shiba inu for higher prices beyond 301$. So what if shiba inu goes to 1000$; then you tithe the 1 million shiba inu at 1000$ to the Lord which is a billion dollars for the Kingdom. 🙏🥰❤️🔥🙌🏻 The Lord hasn’t shared those with me yet, but that doesn’t mean it won’t follow in the footsteps of BTC. This is Not financial advice and I am not a financial advisor these are prophetic words and dreams I have had from the Lord and what He has told me to share with the body of Christ. The guys who sold BTC at .06 cents and .30 cents were sad when it hit 6 and 40$ and even sadder when it hit 400$ and 1000$. And BTC is 20,000$ today and will grow to over 100k after the crash. So that is why you need to seek the Lord and do not doubt this little mustard seed that He has given to the body of Christ. For that is what shiba inu is. God bless! 🙏Maria https://t.me/DrMariaConwell/562 on Telegram I had a question today from a onesmallflame.com family member on the use of a nano ledger and also on Shiba and placing limit sell orders etc….here is my extended answer.
Not sure where my reply went to so this is a do-over! Get a nano x for storing your cryptos safely off line and off exchange. The other benefit of a ledger nano is staking certain coins via the ledger like tron, which is like earning interest in cryptos or on your money. Shiba will have two tsunami waves, which happen like a tsunami usually does; suddenly and unexpectedly. Imagine yourself at the beach on a tropical island enjoying yourself and suddenly the water pulls out and you are running for the hills as a tsunami warning and wave comes in. Well you will be running for your computers if your sell orders aren’t in and then you will have to deal with all the other debris/orders getting in your way of safely making the sell order and getting to a high ground and selling at the price you want! So best to have sell orders in to be prepared. Make investment decisions with a sound mind and not last minute so no panic or fear can creep in. If crypto.com is too hard to make sell orders on then I would look at other exchanges and join there. I can recommend Coinbase which is simple, kraken, Bittrex, KuCoin to name a few. I am sure there are more. Good luck and God bless to you too! Coinbase also has a product called coinbaseone which is a monthly trading fee which then avails you of zero trading expenses/per sell order executed and also covers you for 1 million$ in crypto. Maria Remember the Lord told me to watch the end of September? Well here is a summary from a Wall Street veteran of what happened! Also, she points to the lack of liquidity! It is coming folks! Overnight, switch over!🙏❤️🔥✅ready set go From: Dr.Maria Conwell 🐕
For any of you wanting to know: The higher prices for shiba inu the Lord told me about I am allowed to share with you today. I am not sure why today but I have been asking Him when I could share the good news. For those with ears to hear and eyes to see May you be blessed and be a blessing. To everyone else, this isn’t meant for you. I wish you God’s peace. The higher price targets for shiba inu are 31$ and 301$. I do not know when or timing etc…the timing is the Lords. This is why I asked you to set aside 10% for higher values and this is what the Lord/Holy Spirit recommended to me. God bless. 🙏 OneSmallFlame.com Well, the Lord spoke to me that when crypto crashes the stocks will follow. The question remains; why will crypto crash? So could it be that all the debt manipulation and dollar printing from the federal reserves finally crashes the dollar; and everything else falls like a deck of cards in the wind? Yes, this is possible, because the Lord showed me DJT on stage and 30’s something young men in ski caps and vests throwing gold coins at him and I believe/understood in the dream that was XRP/QFS and I was corrected by the Lord in the dream; no it is the QPS(quantum Phoenix system, which is a blistering fast quantum computer system). As you know the Phoenix rises from the ashes of its predecessor. So XRP will rise from the ashes of the dollar and my interpretation was DJT will return as President in late fall 2022; I have since had other confirmations of this. Also, the other dream which showed a major recession
And lack of liquidity; and the Lord told me many people from CEO’s and corporations to people who work there will be getting pink slips, (which is a reference to being laid off or getting fired), because business will not be able to stay afloat in this debt based system as there will be no liquidity. And many will fall in the fall; referring to the fall from grace and the fall from power and the fall from standing and position in the world once this happens. Stay prayed up and ask the Lord to guide your steps! Shalom, Maria |