9/29/22 Dr. Maria Conwell
Trumps return confirmation 2022 and Lunc buy and sell orders! This confirms two prior revelations concerning Trumps return here from onesmallflame.com: 1. When Donald Trump Returns to Office 2. Dream of Donald Trump I just placed a buy limit order for Lunc at .00022 and it will be filled at 454545.4545=Trump 2022 prophetic numbers! 45, 5 times; that is grace! Gods mercy! ❤️🙏🥰 Trump is on the way through His grace! 🙌🏻🔥😇 I wanted to share the price points the Lord gave me for Lunc. This is not investment advice and you need to do your own due diligence including seeking the Lord for what He wants you to do concerning cryptocurrencies. Everyone’s situation is different as well as everyone’s purpose that He has called you to. “For his eyes are upon our ways, and all our steps he sees.” Job 34:21 NABRE https://bible.com/bible/463/job.34.21.NABRE The sell targets the Lord gave me for Lunc: these are close and approximate and not exact so please pray about it and what the Lord is leading you to do. .40-.60 cents; 1-5$ dollars; 10-16$, 53-62$; it may go higher but these are sell targets; and when to sell for my circumstances. Seek the Lord for your individual sell targets. God bless! 🙏 OneSmallFlame.com 9/29/22 Dr. Maria Conwell
I wanted to share the sell targets the Lord gave me for Lunc: these are close and approximate and not exact so please pray about it and what the Lord is leading you to do. .40-.60 cents; 1-5$ dollars; 10-16$, 53-62$; it may go higher but these are sell targets for when it is safe for me to sell for my circumstances. Seek the Lord for you individual sell targets. God bless! 🙏 9/22/22: Dr. Maria
I just spoke to a woman named SHINA from ATT about my TV service. We decided to suspend service for 9 months as our house is under construction. June 2023 the service can be restarted. Alert🚨the Timeline for Shina Inu; Shina Inu is under construction! Look to June 2023 for completion of construction and go live; as in Shina Inu actively being used and it’s use case coming into effect. Some things are to be determined. Remember to take some Shiba profits and put some into Shina Inu when the time comes. The use case is under construction 🚧 🙏🥰🙌🏻🔥 9/22/22:
I dreamt I was swimming with some people at a lake including my brother Fred and my cousin Joe and we were investigating something in the water and when we came out we noticed we were all covered with leeches which we had to remove from our hands and body. The leeches were painless to remove but took chunks of flesh from our body/arms/hands as we removed them. I believe this is a warning dream for the body of Christ, especially considering the wealth transfer is at hand. The water represents the liquidity, which financially can represent cryptocurrencies or other liquid assets, which are easily transferred between people. We must remember to do with the wealth according to Gods will, and not allow ourselves to have financial leeches attach themselves to us, who tear away at our flesh and eat away our capital untrusted to us by the Lord. We must be wise as the serpent and innocent as the dove biblically, trusting in the Lamb of God to direct our each and every step. So that we steward well the finances we are given. Especially, those who are very vocal on youtube and other platforms must be especially wary and careful and also be careful with family members. Also, my husband had a dream of a pendulum swinging and his brother was on one end of the pendulum or swing. And the pendulum went higher and higher and my husband seemed to be observing this and watching him on the swing. At a certain point the pendulum swung so high that his brother fell out from the top of the swing/pendulum and he fell directly down onto the concrete and crashed. This dream also points to the upcoming market and BTC crash; the markets will be swinging back and forth prior to the drop as a sign of the impending crash. The fact that my husband and I saw our brothers in our dreams is a reminder to tell your family members and brothers and sisters in Christ about the upcoming market crash, so they don’t get wrecked in this financial crash. This isn’t going to be pretty, this is a major financial crash the likes of which the world has never seen or experienced before. It will be suddenly and also in slow motion, like watching a huge pendulum moving which can’t be stopped as it gains more momentum. Although many children of God will be ready, most will not be; unless you inform them and warn them. Be at peace, be prepared, trust in Jesus. See prior warning dream of major recession and change in the financial markets/lack of liquidity/temporary lock on assets. 3 Quick Flash Dreams 8/15/22 At Onesmallflame.com The Lord directed me to Malachi 3:8-12 As a confirmation word for this dream. Put Him to the test and see if He will not pour out His storehouse from heaven to you! All you that you entrust to the Lord with your whole heart all that He gives you; He will bless and multiply for generations. 🙏 “Can anyone rob God? But you are robbing me! And you say, “How have we robbed you?” Of tithes and contributions! You are indeed accursed, for you, the whole nation, rob me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, That there may be food in my house. Put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, And see if I do not open the floodgates of heaven for you, and pour down upon you blessing without measure! I will rebuke the locust for you so that it will not destroy your crops, And the vine in the field will not be barren, says the Lord of hosts. All the nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land, says the Lord of hosts.” Malachi 3:8-12 NABRE https://bible.com/bible/463/mal.3.8-12.NABRE 9/20/22:
I just wanted to share about an encounter I had last Friday at the park. I was walking by myself along a trail and sat down for a moment to just enjoy nature and to rest. So this lovely family walks in front of me, just as I sit down and it was a husband and wife with their newborn baby strapped in an infant carrier across the moms chest and dad was walking his lovely golden orange dog. I asked them just to be sure, was it was a shiba Inu and they said yes, although it may be a mixed breed. So I believe the Lord is speaking here that as we go about our business and even stop to rest along the way; that suddenly and unexpectantly, shiba inu will show up for all of us! And we will be able to bless the young families, the newborn babes in the Lord and people of many mixed nations and heritages. For your prayerful discernment and contemplation. Remember for SHIBA INU, that the Lord told me to watch for early and late September, so I am in expectation for a sudden and unexpected pump soon where shiba inu shows up unannounced. Join me in faith believing for our promise. 🙏Peace and Blessings, Maria |