Samuel 2:9
“He will guard the feet of His saints, But the wicked shall be silent in darkness.” The Lord said to me “When I send forth my word The land shall be blanketed in darkness." Then the whole world will know That I, Jehovah, have sent the darkness, So the people may know Whom they have crucified, The great, I AM. And be moved to repent In great sorrow and anguish For the harm they have committed Against My Son, Yeshua, My Emmanuel. There will be a great repentance and Many will be saved By My ravishing darkness Which pierces the soul And lays bare ALL truth! No one will deny this sign is from Me. The darkness, which Purifies the soul of the righteous one Cleansing and readying the heart For Christ the King! To the sinner, who seeks Not My Face. Woe to him and his household For the burden will be great! What can the rebellious say to Me? Whom they have crucified? They will be silent before Me, Loathing their very lives. Seeking freedom from My presence Which pains them to their inmost being. Many will seek to end their own lives Rather then remain in my just judgment This is how blind they are Do they not know their torment will be eternal? Turn now and seek My face, while My grace is at hand. Let the wicked repent and I will welcome Him into my arms. And who can stand in the Presence of the Almighty God? Without His grace they will be lost, Many will perish. Therefore, the Lord says, Make ready Prepare your hearts The kingdom of heaven is at hand. After the darkness, Shall arise a great light And many shall look up And see Christ the King! Victorious in battle, He has come for His beloved Bride, His church. Arise weary church, Your beloved is at hand. Coming in glory with His army Beautiful in His battle array! Arise weary church, Your beloved is at hand. He is here to pour forth His glory on all people And renew the land The King of the Jews
John 18: 36-37 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here…You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” The lord showed me a prayer vision of an army of angels; who were each situated sided by side and who each were individually very large in stature with black shields and footwear; and white wings and robes. And their legs where positioned facing outward away from Israel and their legs were mighty and broad as were their shields. They placed their pentagon shaped shields with the point into the ground located along the border of Israel and Palestine. They were all chanting, “Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua! On a signal from Jesus, the Lord, He had a sword in His hand above Him, which He swung down in a slicing motion; the angels in unison took their shields and with great force lifted them high and then shoved them into the ground in front of where they were standing. This then caused a cascade of events, which looked like an earthquake shaking and the falling over of the land of Palestine like so many dominoes in a row. The land just crumpled and fell down many meters like a wave that crushed down into itself. Israel itself was left untouched and actually seemed to rise up and away from this land, which literally shrunk before the Lord’s army upon His command. The lord showed me this fulfills the following verse concerning Babylon’s fall in Revelation 21. “Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, ‘Thus with violence, the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore.’” The Lord says, I will come like a thief in the night. Who will be awake? Who will be ready? Who can be ready Lord, if you do not prepare us? Who Lord- if you yourself do not make us ready? Lord have mercy on your people and those of good will in the land who will be subject to your judgment. Spare the good and the innocent and have mercy on the children especially, spare them from the destruction destined for their land. God of mercies have mercy on them, and on the whole world! The Lord showed me the land would be split and cracked in many places and heavy stones were heaved up and thrown onto the land. And looking at the land from far atop the angels shoulders could be seen many serpents approaching Israel and slipping through the cracks of the rock at great speed. They were of different colors but the main colors were several orange yellow serpents and some dark green and also brown serpents like the earth. I believe these represent the different armies that will come against Israel. The angels shifted position and upon another sign from the Lord, they picked up their spears, which ignited into a flame at the tip And these were thrown at the serpents. They were blocked by a ring of flame from the spears and couldn’t move through the fire or they were burnt up. A great earthquake and crushing of the land surrounding Israel will occur and all the enemies of Israel will perish by earthquake, fire and flame. Babylon the great has fallen never to rise again. This is the word of the Lord Yeshua to his people Israel. Fear not, the kingdom of heaven is at hand! ![]() . Isaiah 33:14 “The sinners in Zion are afraid; Fearfulness has seized the hypocrites: “Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with the everlasting burnings?” The Lord says: When the day of My arrival Comes upon the earth Who will stand? None can stand without my grace. Two side by side shall be One shall remain after My visitation: The other ashes. My fire shall reach all Areas and arenas of the Land, None shall be untouched. The Great Lion of Judah Is arising; he is about To roar across the Land. He is arising from the Land of Judah The land of His birth. He arises and with one Mighty roar He is Transformed. It is the Lord! He reaches His hand down Into the broken and dry land And pulls out dusty and dazed People one by one. Pulling them from the catacombs to new life. His touch transforms them, as He was transformed From earthbound prisoner to Jesus resurrected. So they are transformed in an instant from clay covered To renewed people formed into a new Life in a land of Eden. I see a Lion The size of Judah/Israel Arise out of the dirt and dust of the land The land is parched and cracked and split in many pieces Like a puzzle and He (the Lion) is born up into it like a mountain And the Great Lion shakes His mane and the dust and dirt falls from Him He roars and the image transforms. It is like a peeling back of cellophane plastic wrap to push through and see the new Land, which is an Eden where the Lion is standing. He is Beautiful and golden and majestic and the earth is also transformed around Him to a high definition true green grass, bluest sky and multiple varied colored birds, flowers; trees and insects; and the colors are intensified and full of Gods glory. This Lion then transforms into Jesus, who is standing tall in a white robe and smiling with brown hair wavy below His shoulders. And He reaches His hand down from His Eden to the dazed and dusty people in the earth. Yet, once He touches them, the people become transformed into a new people. As they step out of the earth and grabJesus by the hand, they are squeezed through a new plane to be formed anew, and it happened in a fraction of a second. It is like the old skin and dusty outer man is peeled off to see the new man underneath. The people then mirror the colors of this Eden land that the Lord stands on. They are awakened and renewed and made new like Jesus. The Lion of Judah, Jesus, awakens the dead spiritually and physically to new life by His touch. Romans 12:2 Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. |