7/12/24: While in Eucharistic adoration I heard the Lord say:
When I shake the everlasting hills, That will be a sign to you; That rivers will flow in the dessert And the dry land will be barren no more. Liquidity will flow where it is parched, And my goodness will be seen by all nations. So this is a sign to you, of the wealth transfer And it’s coming upon the earth! Speak this to my people. I love you. ❤️ Yeshua The image I received was one of the Lord Jesus standing and placing His feet firmly and squarely upon the mountain with resolve; and then He crossed his arms in front of His chest when He was done, as if to signal that He was satisfied and determined to carry out His plans. “He stood and measured the earth; He looked and startled the nations. And the everlasting mountains were scattered, The perpetual hills bowed. His ways are everlasting.” Habakkuk 3:6 NKJV I prayed about when this shaking would occur the following day and the Lord took me by the hand in prayer and led me to a patch of brown dirt in the spirit. And He wrote 212 in the ground there as I was watching. And I thought of the Lord standing on the Swiss Alps and Everest too as large mountains that could be shaken in the natural. Which would then lead to a lot of water flowing upon the land also in the natural. And in America I thought of the Rockies, Arizona and the mountains of Montana and Wyoming. And that morning the Lord led me to read John 19:19: which says Jesus of Nazareth, The King of The Jews . “Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. And the writing was: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.” John 19:19 NKJV The Jews are the chosen people and all the people of all the tribes of the 12 sons of Jacob. And The 144,000 are from this tribe with the 12 apostles make up His chosen people. 12 times 12=144. This is allegorical and figurative for illustration purposes. The remnant. So the Lord will cause changes on the earth as He is the King of the Jews and the King of the everlasting hills; and He will cause the wealth transfer to happen for His chosen people by His might and for His purposes and plans. We have nothing to fear as we wait on the Lord with simple faith and expectation of His glorious return and mighty works. Concerning the 212 the Lord revealed the it refers to months and times or seasons. 12 I believe refers to months and the 2 to times, this is my belief only. So this is a hint as to the timing of this shaking and wealth transfer. And something that needs further prayer from the body of Christ. (I cannot confirm or deny your interpretations, only that it is something important to be prayed about for further revelation and confirmation from the Lord). Remember the way the Lord does things is not the way we do things or would like them done. He smashes down mountains and then He lifts the plains up, He breaks down old structures and then rebuilds new ones. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. We must be peaceful and secure in the Lord during this time of waiting, trusting and resting in the Lord. He is good and His plans for us are good. Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV |