Samuel 2:9
“He will guard the feet of His saints, But the wicked shall be silent in darkness.” The Lord said to me “When I send forth my word The land shall be blanketed in darkness." Then the whole world will know That I, Jehovah, have sent the darkness, So the people may know Whom they have crucified, The great, I AM. And be moved to repent In great sorrow and anguish For the harm they have committed Against My Son, Yeshua, My Emmanuel. There will be a great repentance and Many will be saved By My ravishing darkness Which pierces the soul And lays bare ALL truth! No one will deny this sign is from Me. The darkness, which Purifies the soul of the righteous one Cleansing and readying the heart For Christ the King! To the sinner, who seeks Not My Face. Woe to him and his household For the burden will be great! What can the rebellious say to Me? Whom they have crucified? They will be silent before Me, Loathing their very lives. Seeking freedom from My presence Which pains them to their inmost being. Many will seek to end their own lives Rather then remain in my just judgment This is how blind they are Do they not know their torment will be eternal? Turn now and seek My face, while My grace is at hand. Let the wicked repent and I will welcome Him into my arms. And who can stand in the Presence of the Almighty God? Without His grace they will be lost, Many will perish. Therefore, the Lord says, Make ready Prepare your hearts The kingdom of heaven is at hand. After the darkness, Shall arise a great light And many shall look up And see Christ the King! Victorious in battle, He has come for His beloved Bride, His church. Arise weary church, Your beloved is at hand. Coming in glory with His army Beautiful in His battle array! Arise weary church, Your beloved is at hand. He is here to pour forth His glory on all people And renew the land
10/27/2019 08:40:43 am
If you want to do something, then this is the right time to do it. We are not getting any younger, but that does not mean that we should stop trying. Personally, I feel like we should only give up when there is no time anymore. I want to build a career, and this is still my glory days. I am young enough to try, and that is exactly what I plan on doing, I hope that I can make it.
BUy essay
2/13/2021 05:02:11 pm
Inquire of the Lord where you should be focusing your time and energies and where/how He wants you to make money. Remember to tithe to the poor and sick and hungry a percent, even those in your own homes and families! Do good to those whom He has given you to love and care for! Comments are closed.