![]() Tell the nation of Israel this. Proclaim a fast for the nation of Israel. After 3 days the Lord will advise you. All members of the land of Israel far and wide should fast for her and for her king so that he may be advised by the most high God and guided in war and defence of My land says the lord. The Lord's word to the king of Israel. Do not go out to fight the king of Assyria. As it was in the time of Ahab who listened to the false prophets of his day who told him "the war was his", so have your advisors falsely declared to you. The Lord says this, wait upon the Lord, declare a fast from the greatest to the smallest for 3 days and on the third day I will speak with you. The war is not yours to fight. Wait upon the Lord for further instruction. 1 Kings 22:28 But Micaiah said, "If ever you return in peace, the Lord has not spoken to me" he said, "Take heed, all you people." ![]() Oh give thank to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy and gathered from the lands. From the East and from the West, from the North and from the South." The Lord, the God of Israel, the Lord God, He is One. I am the same today, tomorrow and yesterday, I do not change. His Mercy endures forever. God of Love and Mercy, I praise and thank you for all the good that you have done for us, your people, and your plan of salvation through the cross and resurrection. You live, Alleluia! Lord I will withness to the nations and the waters, wherever you send me I will go. Lord of Heaven and earth have mercy upon us and the whole world. Reign as the risen King of our salvation; rain your graces like torrents upon us. Have mercy on us and be gracious to us. Have mercy on us and on the whole world! Pray the divine mercy chaplet for the salvation of souls. http://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/devotions/praythechaplet.php |