ALGO / Dr. Maria Conwell / 🔥
Algo: The Lord told me to buy Algo at 0.30 cents so that was a low that just was hit. So it isn’t too late to buy Algo on coinbase for that price if you want some. This was just for me from the Lord, but I know many of you are tight on cash and this may be a quick flip. I also use it for daily payments and transactions, I have gotten away from using the plastic credit cards as the Lord showed me in the quick flash dreams that they are going away and to migrate to the phones. God bless. 🙏 The nice thing about Algo, is once you buy it you earn 5.75% on your holdings via coinbase. And you can use it for buying and selling via the coinbase card and earn 4% XLM with your purchases. The coinbase card is also kept on the coinbase app and can be linked to your apple wallet for purchases when you want to use it. 🙏
10/23/2022 02:41:08 am
The Exodus non-custodial Crypto wallet pays 7.96% per their website
10/25/2022 12:00:19 pm
I have the exodus wallet. What on the exodus wallet pays7.96%? 10/25/2022 08:16:15 pm
I believe a Vlad was referring to Algorand. So you can get 7.96% interest on any Algorand you hold in the exodus wallet. Algorand on coinbase you can pair with the coinbase card and use with apple wallet for purchases instead of a debit card. You can also link it for recurrent payments for regularly scheduled bills to withdraw from the card so it can mostly be used instead of banking. Not sure what options Exodus has along those lines. Just starting to do this myself so learning along the way. 🙏Maria
Hi Sister Maria, 10/25/2022 09:24:31 am
Places like uphold limit the low buy limit orders and 0.06 cents is about the low that they allow currently. So you could place some there. I believe that you can place a low buy limit order on KuCoin via USDT/xrp for much lower like 0.01 cents and lower. So you would put your faith in God and ask Him what level to place your buy limit order and then believe He will do it for you. For believing is seeing. 🙏 Comments are closed.