This is a dream the Lord gave me today. In my dream, I saw many pieces of frozen chicken in plastic wrap floating in front of me and going up to the sky as if it were on a see-through conveyer belt or a sheet of plastic. I remember thinking to look at the cryptos. Then I heard myself say in the dream, “Oh no, Litecoin just dumped to $700, I need to sell.” In the dream, the top price for Litecoin (LTC) was not shown, but when I saw it drop to $700, it felt like a huge drop. Interpretation: This dream shows a sequence of crypto currency prices first moving up to new heights then coming back down. Although I did not see the top price for Litecoin, the size of the drop makes me think it will first rise significantly above $700, possibly above $1,000. In my previous dream which I posted on April 27, 2021, Prophetic dream reveals drop in crypto currencies coming soon, I shared instructions I received from the Lord, “Take some profits from your crypto currencies by the end of the week and tell My people to do the same thing.” In that same post, I shared a dream which I interpreted as a warning of a coming drop in prices. The correct interpretation of prophetic dreams is often not as straightforward as it might appear at first glance, which is why I encourage everyone not to rely on my interpretations, but take these things directly to the Lord for the final interpretation for your personal life and finances. This latest dream gives me new insights into my previous dream, making me think both dreams might be showing the same warning regarding prices dropping. The instructions I received to take profits by the end of the week could mean the end of the month or season rather than a literal week. Although dreams always feel like a now word, it usually means it is coming soon and we don’t have many days left to act on it, but instead of seeing exact dates, we are often given signs to watch to let us know when it is close. For example, today’s dream showed a big drop in prices will be preceded by a rise in Litecoin significantly higher than $700, followed by a drop back down to that level so we can look to Litecoin at $700 and above as a good selling point to take our profits and avoid losses during the coming drop. As purchasing power via crypto earnings goes up, it might appear to be a never ending supply or surplus; but this dream is warning that prices will dump back down. Litecoin is currently trading at $362 so it has already more than doubled since March 25, 2021, when it hit a bottom at $165. Praise God, this is not financial advise but a dream from the Lord for you to pray over and turn over to Him for the final interpretation.
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