The armor of God:
I had a vision and was instructed to put on the helmet of salvation. St. Theresa of Liseaux, the little flower, handed me a skin tight leather helmet with glasses attached that looked like WW1 bomber glasses. And she said, “whatever is pure, whatever is good, whatever is right; fix your eyes on these things.” Looking through the glasses, I was able to see clearly the path ahead and Jesus was there walking with His cross; and He was slightly leaning forward almost bending over; and He was carrying His large and heavy cross. There were other look alike Jesus’s on either side of the path beckoning to me also, but these were not carrying crosses and were smiling and waving at me to come off the path. Lastly, the glasses helped me see the true Jesus and keep my eyes on Him. Like night vision glasses, I was able to see clearly in the dark. Saint Theresa showed me my cross, which was very small and light compared to the Lords, and she said, “little saints, get little crosses,” and she smiled at me. She also told me, “the shield of faith is heavy on the battlefield and like lead it can’t be penetrated and will absorb the enemies arrows.” She then went on to say that, “faith is like a feather and will help you rise up and fly above the battle.” So like on Eagles wings, with faith, you can see the battle field clearly from above. She then put on put on my battle shoes/boots, which looked like her Joan of ark outfit that she wore as a novice sister of Carmel; these were metal boots with a pointed toe tip and looked very dangerous. She said that “peace enables you to walk carefully and upend the land minds planted by the enemy; and easily crush any snakes in your path”. As an example I went to my sink this morning and saw a dirty dish left in my clean sink; I could have become agitated by this and allowed my spirit to get angry; but Therese showed me that wearing peace on my feet allows me to overcome myself too and my natural inclinations and earthly attachments and will. Therese then showed me the breastplate of righteousness, which is Jesus our good. All that we do for our neighbor for the love of God is our breastplate of righteousness; it is like a bouquet of flowers and good deeds in our arms which protects us and disarms the enemy. Deeds of mercy; such as clothing the naked and feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless, caring for the sick and smiling at the sad, befriending the lonely. All of our prayers and supplications for others are acts of mercy and love too. Especially, when we do good for the love of Him who leads us into all good. Therefore, at the judgement we will be like the sheep who gave Him to drink when He was thirsty; whenever we did so for the least of our neighbors or fellows in need. Then the belt of truth; we should have our waists wrapped in truth. I saw Jesus standing before me and He quickly transformed before my eyes into a large belt and wrapped Himself around my waist. The belt of truth was a wide belt that you would wrap around yourself several times and tie if you were a martial art student; or if wearing an Asian kimono. Except, that this belt seemed to attach to itself and meld into the body like a second skin and an armor. And the words; He is the way, the truth, and the life came to my spirit/mind; and He said to me, “look what you are doing”. At this time, I was reading my Bible, which was resting on my lap, at my waist level. So here the truth of God wraps around your waist and protects you from all danger and from the infernal enemy; who would like to slice you in half at your weak points, which are all flesh. The belt of truth/Jesus the only and one truth; is like impenetrable metal, shrink wrapped around my waist; and it holds everything together and protects my weak spots of my fleshly body. Now, Therese handed me the sword of the spirit, and in my left hand it became a flame of fire. And it is the word of God. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us. She reminded me that in my prior dream against the enemy of God; Jesus was on my left side protecting me. So the Holy Spirit is the word of God, the Holy fire of God, the living flame of God; which was made flesh (by taking the flesh of the immaculate and blessed Virgin Mary) and dwelt among us as Jesus the living word of God. Emmanuel who is God with us. He is always at our side and He is our armor. Words from the Lord: Without armor on a battlefield you are like children without a mother, lost and easily deceived. Put your armor on daily, spend time with Me in the word and I will arm your bodies, minds and souls for battle. To be battle ready, your swords must be sharpened and your armor tried and true, submit all battles to Me that I may carry the day! Eph. 6:13
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