![]() I was frustrated by the flat markets last Sunday and so I asked the Lord, what is going on? Why are the crypto markets so flat? He answered me with a picture of a large bottom heavy troll-like being that looked like it was sitting on a white picket fence. The white picket fence had a black outline to it so it was like a crypto market graph showing the price going up and down with jagged edges. This being looked like the abominable snowman on the outside with his white fur and was shaped like a huge Hershey’s kiss so that you couldn’t see its face. I believe this represents corporations (represented by but not necessarily Hershey’s) that are invested in the crypto market and that are squashing it down and flattening the market, in essence putting the market on a freeze until they determine to release it! I then asked the Lord so what do I do now? He answered me, “push it off!”. So I rushed toward it and pushed it off. I jumped on the picket fence and noticed he was still hanging on by his fingers, so I asked the Lord again, “now what do I do?” And He said to, “Kick him in the face!” So I did that and when I did, the troll-like being released itself from the edge of the graph (fence) and fell down a very long shaft into the center of the earth and I heard a “splot” sound when he landed at the bottom. Then I found myself in front of the crypto graph and saw 3 or 4 copper colored bags hanging down near the bottom of the picket fence; which reminded me of sandbags outside a hot-air balloon basket. I felt these were bags of money that were holding down the prices. I believe this might be big investment firms or “whales” who own large bags of capital who are holding down the markets via shorts or long positions. Suddenly, I found a sword in my hand and I cut down these bags from the lower portion of the graph. I believe my actions were also showing keys and instructions for believers on how to pray so that the corporations are pushed out of the way and also to spiritually cut off the investment firms and other whales who are manipulating the markets! After this I found myself and Holy Spirit laying on the graph/picket fence side by side inside a catapult. We were immediately thrown high into the air; however, at a certain point it appeared that we were losing altitude. Just then Holy Spirit grabbed me by the hand and we rocketed straight up into the sky like two rockets side by side. Then as we pierced very high into the midnight sky we started tumbling over and over each other like trapeze artists flying and tumbling in the sky. At this point, I became uneasy and asked, “Lord, how can you hold onto me?” He laughed and said, “Do you think I can let you out of My grasp?” His answer immediately comforted me, even though I am not great with heights! However, Holy Spirit is free flying and fearless so there isn’t anything that disturbs Him. He is the persona of the joy of the Lord and our great helper! I believe the Lord is showing us the upcoming trajectory of the markets with the vision of the catapult up and then when it begins to flatten out or go slightly down again it will suddenly and unexpectedly go straight up like a rocket! Then at some point later the markets will begin to spin at the top and tumble up and down like you see in certain amusement rides. This might be the second wave and height of the market where the markets begin to get frothy. I didn’t see beyond this point! I hope this encourages you on how to pray and also gives you hope in this time that God is in control and these flat markets shall not last and are about to change radically! In Jesus name! Amen PS – For Shiba Inu: from a prior dream, when I heard in the spirit it was 0.0005, I then looked at the chart in my dream and it was 0.5, I believe now that this reflects how fast the markets will shoot up! By the time we hear of it, then it will already have surpassed this number and will be reaching even higher points for example, 50 cents. So this is a reminder to be prepared and have various limit sell orders in place and ready to go on your exchanges. Thanks Maria
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