THE CAMELS ARE COMING! 555! Divine Grace! The war is turning by Divine Favor! Hallelujah! Pray for the camels! Pray for the wealth transfer!🙏
5/5/23(5): 555 means the grace of God! By the grace of God I had this dream this morning and by the grace of God the camels are coming! This morning I had a dream of a camel coming over a sand dune. And I thought to myself “the camels are coming!” and it seemed to me a good thing; like we were finally getting help and the war was turning in our favor. It reminded me of Bilbo Baggins as He exclaimed “The Eagles are coming” in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and that is when and how the war turned in The favor of the King of the Mountain and His people. As I watched the camel I noticed his one foot was limping and was bleeding. As he came closer it was apparent he had glass in his foot. This camel was short in appearance and stocky. And I wondered what this meant, and felt bad for the camel and wanted to help him remove the glass and heal his foot so he could walk normally. I asked the Lord when I woke why the camel was limping and bleeding. The Lord said that the camels are coming; but My people need to pray for the wealth transfer. The glass in the foot of the camel represents the slings and arrows of the enemy who has come against the wealth transfer. His walk is delayed as he is limping and hurt and he is bleeding along the way and getting weak. The Lord says as the people pray for the wealth transfer as One body the camel will heal and walk straight and become strong again. Please join and pray for the wealth transfer and for the slings and arrows of the enemy to fall down to the ground without harming our provision and camels. That the wealth transfer would be strong and healthy again according to Gods will! The camels are coming! In Jesus name! Amen 🙏
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