Luke Chapter 20:45-47
“While all the people were listening he said to the disciples, ‘Beware of the scribes who like to walk about in long robes and love to be greeted respectfully in the market square, to take the front seat in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets, who devour the property of widows and for show offer long prayers. The more severe will be the sentence they receive.” This word from the Lord I received today, helped to confirm a prior word from the Lord, as did todays readings at mass on the prophet Jonah. The word is a word of warning to those in power and authority, who take advantage of the poor and downtrodden. Who look at the splinter in their neighbor’s eye and demand justice, without first removing the log from their own eye and imploring God’s mercy. I had been thinking about the number 222 for some time. A woman on Z3 news said 2:22 was a number the Lord revealed to her as significant. She felt it was the number she should sell her Red coin for, which is a crypto currency. I told her that I think it may be a date and not an amount, because the Lord had indicated to me that Red coin would rise to 5$. Two nights ago the number 222 came up again to me, while completing my work. I went to sleep that night thinking what does this number 222 signify? In prayer the following morning, I asked the lord to reveal to me the meaning of 222 and this is what He showed me in prayer: I was shown the scene where the scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery before the Lord. Described in John 8:10 the scribes and Pharisees demanded justice since she was caught breaking the Law. Justice in that day meant the woman would be sentenced to death by stoning. So the Lord in His wisdom asked whom ever was without sin to cast the first stone and then He bent down and began writing in the sand. I asked the lord what are you writing? He showed me 222. I asked the lord what does 222 mean? At that, the ground around us began to shake violently and it seemed to be an earthquake, everyone was falling and trying to keep from stumbling, except the woman who was near the Lord. I asked the lord, is there going to be an earthquake on 222? The Lord said, “This shaking is a global shaking of the financial markets.” “The justice demanded by those in authority and power over others, the stones in their hands will recoil upon their own heads”. “This is because they are hard of heart and do not seek my face, they seek to kill and destroy, they seek to abuse their power over the weak and poor.” The Lord says this, “I have heard and I know your plans for wickedness, but the evil you plan to commit will come down upon your own heads, you who plot and scheme against me.” The Lord made me to understand that unless those in power repent and turn away from evil and seek to do good instead, caring for the poor and the weak instead of seeking their destruction; then this shall come to pass. “Great will the world’s tears be that day, on the day of the global financial collapse.“ Friends in Christ, this word is for 222. I do not know if that is tomorrow 2/22 or 2022, or something else; only God knows that. What I do know is the story of Nineveh. Jonah reluctantly went to Nineveh to tell them they would be destroyed if they did not repent. He didn’t want to go there, they were known for their great wickedness and Jonah thought He would be killed. Surprisingly, all the people of Nineveh from the least to the greatest including the king and his court repented. They fasted and prayed and put on sackcloth and ashes. The changing of the nation of Nineveh's heart in repentance moved God’s heart and He regretted his plans to destroy them; so that He held his hand of justice and instead offered them His hand of mercy. Through prayer and fasting great things can be done. We can move God’s heart; we can implore His mercy on us versus His justice. We can do this. It only takes 1 small flame to build a fire. Please join me this Lent in prayer and fasting for our country and our world that God would be merciful to us so that from the least to the greatest, the people of the world would repent from their offences to God and do what is pleasing to Him.
2/27/2022 10:09:17 am
Hi Dr Maria
3/1/2022 09:27:19 am
I will find the Redd dreams and words and upload to this sight! Thanks for your question! I believe some are on the public sight investing with insight and others are on z3 news. You can click on the link for z3 to search Redd coin and all the prophetic words will be there too. I do believe we need to pay attention to the Easter season as this is important and the Lord told me Redd would be going to 5$. Expect the unexpected!
3/1/2022 10:25:52 am
Thank you Ms Maria Comments are closed.