This is a dream shared by a member of our community on 11/2/2024 and I will share my interpretation afterwards. Please also add your insights and pray about the dream. I believe this is an important warning dream with direction for all of us. Thanks be to Father, Son and Holy Spirit for His inspiration!🙏🔥❤️
Good morning Maria. I had a dream that I was working in a cashless bank branch with no Teller. I work in one in real life but this did not look like my branch. Suddenly about 3 people came in panicking to use the ATM. Before I knew what was going on, there were close to 100 people in the banking hall. Something had happened outside so I was looking at people's faces to see if anyone was talking about what happened outside in the world but no one was. My mind went to WAR in the dream but we dont have radios in the bank n I didnt think to check internet either. I told my colleague that we needed to step outside so we dont get robbed by someone thinking we have access to cash and stepping outside would let us know what happened. When we got outside, everything seemed calm. I never figured out what happened. Do you perceive this being related to a shift in financial system and people are not even aware of how it is affecting them? Or more related to what Sister Sharon has been sharing that something is coming? Thank you for your insight always. 11/2/2024: Interpretation of the dream. It’s a bank run on cash via the ATM system. You say you work in a bank which is cashless. Your workplace represents a cashless system! Your dream shows this change to a cashless society and people aren’t prepared for it! At first just three people showed up: FATHER, Son and Holy Spirit directing people what to do; then there were 100! Those whom are called by them (The Most Blessed Trinity) to prepare! We are going to a cashless society, but not all people are prepared! Remember only 5% of the world population has cryptocurrency and probably less than that have physical gold, silver and metals and other currencies (Iraq dinar, dong, zim etc). You sense in the dream was WAR, and then you went outside and perceived the calm. This is the calm before the storm. I believe since you are a bank employee in real life the Lord is giving you a warning dream of what is to come and how to prepare yourself for this event. Stay calm, and go outside of the place; look elsewhere for work. Prepare yourself with cash on hand, cryptos and precious metals for a time of cashless society. The people who are not prepared will panic and try to remove their cash from the bank. It may be the banks become insolvent and no longer needed/superfluous in this cashless society. Has the Lord been leading you to leave and look for work elsewhere? Pray about that. Blessings, Your sister in Christ, 🙏🔥❤️Maria
I just purchased First Neiro, I believe a good place for some profit taking will be around the 0.02 mark; I know there are usually 5 legs up before a correction; it looks like we are on the second or possibly third leg. I wasn’t going to invest in it but Holy Spirit whispered it is going to 0.02; I didn’t get much beyond that! But TA could help also! Will continue to pray into it! Thanks for the 3$ mark and also for sharing your interesting dream @starroux. ❤️🔥can some chart/TA guys let me know the possibility? I believe through prayer that we are in the second leg of a three leg rise? So let me know your thoughts also!
Thanks, Maria 🙏 0x812ba41e071c7b7fa4ebcfb62df5f45f6fa853ee 7/12/24: While in Eucharistic adoration I heard the Lord say:
When I shake the everlasting hills, That will be a sign to you; That rivers will flow in the dessert And the dry land will be barren no more. Liquidity will flow where it is parched, And my goodness will be seen by all nations. So this is a sign to you, of the wealth transfer And it’s coming upon the earth! Speak this to my people. I love you. ❤️ Yeshua The image I received was one of the Lord Jesus standing and placing His feet firmly and squarely upon the mountain with resolve; and then He crossed his arms in front of His chest when He was done, as if to signal that He was satisfied and determined to carry out His plans. “He stood and measured the earth; He looked and startled the nations. And the everlasting mountains were scattered, The perpetual hills bowed. His ways are everlasting.” Habakkuk 3:6 NKJV I prayed about when this shaking would occur the following day and the Lord took me by the hand in prayer and led me to a patch of brown dirt in the spirit. And He wrote 212 in the ground there as I was watching. And I thought of the Lord standing on the Swiss Alps and Everest too as large mountains that could be shaken in the natural. Which would then lead to a lot of water flowing upon the land also in the natural. And in America I thought of the Rockies, Arizona and the mountains of Montana and Wyoming. And that morning the Lord led me to read John 19:19: which says Jesus of Nazareth, The King of The Jews . “Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. And the writing was: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.” John 19:19 NKJV The Jews are the chosen people and all the people of all the tribes of the 12 sons of Jacob. And The 144,000 are from this tribe with the 12 apostles make up His chosen people. 12 times 12=144. This is allegorical and figurative for illustration purposes. The remnant. So the Lord will cause changes on the earth as He is the King of the Jews and the King of the everlasting hills; and He will cause the wealth transfer to happen for His chosen people by His might and for His purposes and plans. We have nothing to fear as we wait on the Lord with simple faith and expectation of His glorious return and mighty works. Concerning the 212 the Lord revealed the it refers to months and times or seasons. 12 I believe refers to months and the 2 to times, this is my belief only. So this is a hint as to the timing of this shaking and wealth transfer. And something that needs further prayer from the body of Christ. (I cannot confirm or deny your interpretations, only that it is something important to be prayed about for further revelation and confirmation from the Lord). Remember the way the Lord does things is not the way we do things or would like them done. He smashes down mountains and then He lifts the plains up, He breaks down old structures and then rebuilds new ones. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. We must be peaceful and secure in the Lord during this time of waiting, trusting and resting in the Lord. He is good and His plans for us are good. Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV this dream posted by D Reynolds. There are several parts. You are driving between two mountain ranges and are in the valley. Spiritually speaking we often desire mountain top experiences but in real life we are driving our car of ministry in the regular or ordinary days of life; and sometimes in the valley. The Lord brings to mind the remembrance of the psalm of David.
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." Psalms 23:4 Then a stone cylinder appears to your left. The gifting’s of the Holy Spirit as you said in your dream interpretation. The cylinder represents the windows of heaven. It is weighty with Gods glory and presence. It is floating above the earth, but those who drive their cars of ministry near it are elevated up into it and then gently and supernaturally deposited back onto the road of life further down their path. This is a divine elevation and acceleration of the Holy Spirit on those who drive close to Him, and the window of heaven or cylinder represents heavenly blessings. The edges are rough. This shows two things: 1. that Holy Spirit gifting’s are rough at first as you practice them and also 2. these gifts look scary initially to the uninitiated, so you are unsure about it; but then you see that others are unharmed as they drive near it so you proceed with caution too. It is called a leap of faith! Well done! Now in the natural I saw that we are in a valley of sorts driving our ministry cars. And many of us are driving between two mountain ranges meaning BTC price ranges. And we are in a valley at the time of this writing. BTC was 60K on 3/20/24! To the right is the next BTC mountain range. To the left the one we just passed. There was a stone cylinder to your left which elevated certain cars and pushed them up higher along the road. The level that this happened in the natural is 75 feet. I believe that 75k BTC is a marker in the natural for some spiritual growth and elevation as well as financial blessings. The 75k BTC causes the cars of ministry to levitate (defying natural laws) and float above the earthly realm and are transported above the common means of transportation via heavenly portals higher into new locations. It shows that the spiritual and financial blessings are tied. It may look rough or risky or scary to us in the natural (that 75 K BTC level but it will be a surprise as you are elevated higher!). As we pray for continued financial breakthroughs and heaven’s weighty glory to invade the earth, I believe the Lord is giving us strategy here; then the other blessings of ministry and spiritual abundance will also come forth. Not through our own strength; but through Christ who strengthens us! It is all Him! Hallelujah! 🙏❤️🔥🙌🏻🔥❤️ Thanks for sharing this dream! Maria I believe this word is for the body of Christ @claumarco. You were at the lunch table with another believer in the Lord, Nate Inu, who is also a member of this community. You were waiting for lunch; it was lunch time. The Lord is preparing a feast for you in the presence of your enemies is the word that comes to mind. However, Nate Inu, in this dream represents the man of faith; who trusts in the Lord with all his heart and relies not on his own understanding. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; " Proverbs 3:5 NKJV
He put his eth orders as low as he could possibly get them and they were filled supernaturally! In the natural your orders which were higher should have filled first, but did not! This is since all things are possible to him who believes in Christ Jesus and nothing is impossible to God. This is also a strategy dream. The Lords ways are not man’s ways and His thoughts not our thoughts! Many will be angry in this hour, who do things out of the natural order or flesh; but do not consult the Lord first. Not saying that is you, but many. So as an example; many people hear the prophetic word that Shiba Inu will be 1$ and 13$ and think in their own minds and hearts aha; I will place a sell limit order at 0.90 cents and 12$. You see, God laughs at the wisdom of men and confounds the fool who in his own heart says; I will build myself larger barns and storehouses for all of my grain and then I shall take my rest (retire); when that very night the Lord requires their souls of them. So I believe the Lord is directing you and others back to Him as He is the source of all blessings; to inquire of Him and seek Him first above everything else in your ways and then all these other things will be added unto you! Do not leave the table in anger when the Lord corrects you or if you find yourselves in this situation. Correct your lack of faith and believe in Him with all your heart and seek and trust in His direction who saved you! If you are in school it is to be taught; continue your lessons; don’t leave and try to go handle business yourself. Going back to your old ways and self reliance; this is a wound to the Lord’s heart that you do not place all of your trust in Him who loved you even to death. Trust in Him and rely not upon your own understanding. Because faith without works are dead. So place all of your trust and faith in Him and know that what is impossible in the natural is nothing at all to Him who created you. Thanks for sharing your dream. I believe the mother in your dream represents those in your life you look to for spiritual guidance and who have maturity-they can be many other believers in Christ (ie; Nate Inu!). The jellyfish and other large aquatic animals you saw as you were leaving the classroom; I believe represent marine spirits which are mind controlling spirits around you sent to confuse you and doubt the Lords words to your inner man. So in the name of Jesus I rebuke and bind all marine or mind controlling spirits in Jesus name and command them to go to the foot of the cross for eternal judgement! May you all have the mind of Christ; have clarity of mind and peace in Him and be given His wisdom in this hour in Jesus name! At the end of the dream you were flying out! You were lifted up on Eagles wings; the Holy Spirit is lifting you higher for His purposes. He is saying to you come up higher. "But when you are invited, go and sit down in the lowest place, so that when he who invited you comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, go up higher.’ Then you will have glory in the presence of those who sit at the table with you." Luke 14:10 NKJV So this verse brings us back to the right posture of a disciple seated at the Lord’s table. I believe this word is for many here who need to check in with the Lord and reflect on their walk of faith. So thanks for this heart reminder and heart posture dream. He is the vine and we are the branches. We can do no good thing without Him! Amen 🙏 3/17/24: Words I received this morning from the Lord. “Shakita: a short and unexpected rise. This is a marker for the markets. It will go up and then come down”. I asked the Lord should I invest and the Lord said. “This confirms Milton’s BTC call”. Yesterday Milton stated a prediction for BTC for the group! Please check that out below!⬇️ No, I’m expecting it to bounce from here to $72k or $75k+, before down to $60-61k (from Milton!) Thanks 🙏You have heard the saying from scripture we prophesy in part? And this word given on 2/9/24 is a good example of what that means. At the time I was wondering myself what did these words of the Lord mean? Did it mean Redd coin would rise or did it mean Stellar? Since the second part of that prophecy given was: after the superbowl the rise shall be stellar! So watch it rise and after the Super Bowl the rise shall be stellar; are part of the same prophetic word. Since that time, BTC has gone up from 42K to 72k and with it all the alt coins as well. His spoken word released into the atmosphere brings about the fulfillment of His word as it never returns to Him void. Because in the beginning the word was spoken by God and the world came into being. His word spoken brings about the change. I wait and watch in wonder with all of you as He does the good thing He has determined to do. For God is always good. And He fulfills His promises.
All glory to God! Amen 🙏 Maria 🔥 I had a flash dream. I was walking around a place outside like a park with other people and we were waiting and talking. The people were talking about Volt inu and Shiba Inu. They were saying that Volt inu was about to run. Then a person confirmed this to me by asking me, did I know that Shiba Inu was getting a contract with Disney for merchandise?
***This was the indicator for Volt Inu’s run. So we wait on His promises, which are yes and amen! Shiba Inu will be getting a Disney contract for merchandise and Volt Inu will run! Praise the Lord! ❤️Maria The Lord asked me if I wanted to know a new coin to invest in? I said, "Yes of course". He said, "This one will do really well". Perhaps it is a little Lottle coin? Consider buying via DCA at lower buys prices and dollar cost average in over time since it has already risen a bit. Not financial advice! Please pray and ask the Lord what to do for your situation. 🙏 Maria 🔥