A word of the Lord to the remnant . Isaiah 10 “On that day The remnant of Israel, the survivors of the house of Jacob, will no more lean upon the one who struck them; But they will lean upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God.” Isaiah 10:20-21 NABRE https://bible.com/bible/463/isa.10.20-21.NABRE My child tell my people this: Prepare your house, prepare! For the devourer cometh; And the scourge of nations arises! He come to winnow and fan The flames of my wrath Against this stiff necked people. Who proclaim me by mouth, But their hearts are far from me. So I will send them a messenger. To know that I Am, who I say that I Am. Am I not the creator of the universe? Are not comets in my hand? Be surprised, stand with jaws agape, Be amazed! For my messenger cometh; and all will stop and stare! Repent my people! Draw near to Me your redeemer! Come under My tent pegs And be at rest. I will protect and keep my remnant, For the appointed time; To preach and teach and Console My people. My plans are just, Let no man balk at my righteousness. I Am YAHWEH. I alone am He. ❤️Yeshua Comments are closed.
AuthorHi, my name is Maria Conwell Archives
October 2024
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