The Faith to move mountains! Matthew 17:20 My child, The faith to move Mountains; is Simple surrender and Trust in Me. Knowing that, I AM a good Father, And I will always Care For you. Nothing can separate Me from My love for you! As a father loves his child, So I love you. Know that the Mountains In Your life are as so many Mole hills to Me. They are nothing! Stepping stones to your next advancement, And places of lift off To greater heights In Me. Never alone, Always in Me and Through My divine grace. The trust of a child. Whose hand is Always reaching up To their Fathers hand, For Guidance and Assistance. Faith to Move Mountains is the Faith of a Child who rests In their father. This is the key To moving mountains And moving My heart; To answer the prayer Of Faith in Me. ❤️Your Jesus Of Mercy
Psalm 103:5 My child, Do I not provide For your every need, And even the desires Of your heart? There are none like Me, Who know you through And through, and seek to Fill you with good things! I AM a good Father, And I provide For My children, At the appointed time And in due season. So none are without, Or lack who put their Trust in Me! For I AM their provision, In all seasons. My child, I will lift you up, On Eagles wings and Strengthen you with talons of steel. You Write My words, To the nations and Speak My words To these people. My child, this day I have made for My People to rejoice and Be glad in Me. For I AM their rock And deliverer. Do not fret or Concern yourself, With your daily needs. As I will procure for you, A lasting covenant. So that all generations will bless My Holy Name, In witness of My kindness to you. I love you, My people, Be at peace. ❤️Yeshua 4/28/22:
Jeremiah 11:21-23 My child, Did I not warn you of war And also of famine? These things will come. Pray for these people, Who are hard of heart, And seek the demise Of my prophets! No, not a hair of My prophets heads Shall be harmed! But the evil you have laid out for others, Will be your own trap. And I Myself have prepared It for you. Did I not teach you, To do unto others As you would have Done to yourselves? Know that all your Wicked deeds and schemes are known by Me, And just as Pharaoh proclaimed His own decision and fate of the first born Egyptians; so you proclaim your own demise when you plot against My people, the prophets. Curb your tongues and Change your ways, That I may show you Mercy still. Time is short, Be repentant and contrite Of spirit and I will not Scorn you or your hearts. This is My final Warning to you, Mend your ways, And I will melt your Hearts of stone. Peace, Yeshua 🙏 4/27/22
John 8:54 My children, Be at peace! Rejoice in the Blessings of others, That I may pour out My blessings upon you! Are you not all My Children, and dearly Beloved by Me? What more can you desire? Am I not enough? Your Jesus, of Mercy? Do I not look kindly Upon you? And show you My everlasting grace? I AM for you and not Against you, as my enemy Satan would have you Believe. He is the father If all lies. Heed him not! My children, believe in Me, And have faith in My love For you! You are more Precious to Me than the stars of the sky, than the diamonds of the earth! I love you, My children! Fear not, dear ones. Go in peace. ❤️ Yeshua 4/26/22
Matthew 15:32 My child, When you are with Me, I care for your every need. I notice the hardships you suffer, And I take pity on you. Then in My mercy, I tend to your every need. There is nothing, no sacrifice or Want that you may have, That is not noticed by Me. I AM your Jesus of Mercy. And I tend to My sheep. Regardless of where you Are planted and where you May roam, I AM with you. I Myself defend you and care For your every need. None shall perish, none go Without, I defend and do even more; for those who follow Me Wherever I go, Wherever I lead. You are mine. I love you. ❤️ Yeshua Weekly word/broadcast:
4/25/22: Daniel 3:100 How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders; his kingship is an everlasting kingship, and his dominion endures through all generations. My child, I Am the King of Glory! All rulers reign because of Me. I Am the true king, kingship On earth comes for a season. And then goes to another, As I see fit. Man doesn’t choose, I choose my instruments. So no man may boast That they have desired Something and then obtained it. I put the desire in their heart, To rule and to reign, Even those who do wickedly Were chosen to rule, although I chose them to do good. And shepherd My people For a time and a season. So they will answer to Me. All Kings, thrones and dominions Answer to the most high God, King of kings and Lord of Lords. Let man quake in fear and awe As the Lord God makes His Appearance, who shall stand before Him? I Am The Lord, Thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me. I seek those who worship Me In spirit and in truth. Those who love Me with all their heart, and offer Me their sacrifice of praise. Go in peace, My daughter. I Am with you. ❤️Yeshua Prayer: Oh God, yours is an everlasting Kingship From generation to generation; you lift up The lowly and bring down the great according to your will. How great thou art! Who dare to question you in your sovereignty? You are mighty and we are in awe of you. Have mercy on us dear King of Glory, for we are your children. Look kindly upon the meek and humble of heart, and those who long to see your face! Amen 🙏 Meditation: Who is this King of Glory? How shall we call Him? He is Emmanuel, the promised of ages! 4/24/22:
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday #DMS Go to confession and Holy communion For complete remission of sins and all punishment due to sin. Be charitable; do acts of mercy; pray and sacrifice for poor sinners. This is love and mercy in action! Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 showed the three shepherd children the souls of men and women falling into hell as so many leaves falling from trees in autumn 🍂 she said to them this is hell where the souls of poor sinners go who have no one to pray for them. She asked for pray and fasting. The grace of God allows each soul to chooses heaven or hell at the moment of death; this begins prior to death of course as many people choose heaven or hell in life too; so that is why it is important to pray for poor sinners who go to hell because there is no one to pray and make sacrifices for them. #🙏4people2chooseGod! OneSmallFlame.com "Divine Mercy and Suicide" - Fr. Chris Alar, MIC YouTube · Divine Mercy May 4, 2017 If one loves God then one would also love their fellow man; the two are one & intertwined. Therefore you cannot commit sin against one’s neighbor & also love God. That is why Christ said the first two commandments were the most important & contain the law and the prophets. #DMS https://youtu.be/GJvepzcN9Zc 4/22/22:
Daniel 12:3 But those with insight shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, And those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever. My children, You are more than stars, To Me and all heaven holds its breath in awe, when a new soul is conceived. Each of you are precious, A Holy work of divine art, And preordained by Me, Since the inception of time. I love you and have formed you By My everlasting Love, and have ordered your Days and existence. My children, Everything is in My hands. I lead you and I cherish you. I will not abandon you. When the world falls Into chaos, My divine hand will Implement the final Chapters of My Justice; For all the wicked Who continue to do wickedly, And My mercy to all those who do good. Some will awake to everlasting disgrace, And others to everlasting grace. Choose carefully and With prudence the Path that you choose to take. Remember to Follow Me! The cross is the path Of salvation and light, And I have shown you the way! Be not afraid, My dear ones, Follow Me. I am with you always, Even to the end of time. Love,❤️ Yeshua, I AM, Your Jesus, of Mercy! 4/21/22:
Micah 3:1-4 My child, Tell My people, Beware false prophets and scribes, leaders who lead you astray. They long for Your destruction, And are malcontents, Evildoers and maligners, Speaking false promises to you of peace; When you should prepare for war. My people, Do not trust, prophets of peace; when I have declared war. Because of the sins of these evildoers, The whole world will groan and mourn with birth pangs, Until she bursts forth and wreaks havoc On her inhabitants. This is My decree, This is My determination. Let them say, “Why Lord?” And I will say, “What have you done, to My little ones?” Decree a fast throughout the land And pray, for the day of your trial is at hand. Peace, Your Yeshua 🙏 |
AuthorHi, my name is Maria Conwell Archives
October 2024
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