![]() In my dream I was at a big mansion like a party and many celebrities were there and people I seemed to know personally. There was a group there who was with me who believed in God. But many had taken the vaccine and had given themselves over to the devil and to the world out of fear and the desire for the flesh and lusts of the world. In the dream there was a group of women that I was speaking to about God's love and all of these women showed the effects of the pox. It was so vivid. They had blisters on their faces and wore sun hats with wide brims and long sleeves and loose long skirts to cover themselves up from the sun. It reminded me of a herpes outbreak, but herpes on steroids, which is more severe and more widespread. It wasn’t exactly a herpes outbreak though; it was something more. The blisters were large and white honey colored on their arms and under the skin you could see the clear and honey-like pox like lesions literally bubbling up below the skin surface like a honeycomb. And they said to me it was so painful and the skin surrounding the area also was red and the skin looked hot to touch and swollen. I stopped to pray for them in Jesus name and told them not to worry the lesions would improve after 14 days and then they would lessen in severity. They were glad and relieved for the prayers but it seemed prayer was not allowed in that place as we were careful about it and prayed away from others ears and eyes. As I spoke and prayed for these women who were celebrities in my dream; two men came out of nowhere who seemed to be listening to me as I preached the word of God, so I stopped speaking to the women and changed the subject. One of the men said something to me that sounded regal and majestic, but I don’t recall the words or what they meant. And I didn’t trust either of these men in my dream and wanted to get away from them. They were dressed in clothes from early American/British times like the times of the revolution. I sensed that I was being monitored and in danger, so I ran from that place to a different part of the mansion far away from them and away from the party and these others. I also ran up a flight of what looked like light grey slate stairs to an upstairs well lit slate patio area with similar colored banisters. It looked heavenly and was high up away from the home although connected to it by the stairwell. And the stairway and patio and banister around the patio was surrounded by clouds in my dream. I offered to carry a young man on my back up this stairway to the heavenly realm who couldn’t run fast he was lame; and although he seemed small and light, he was actually very heavy; but I could still lift him. I said to Him, you are mighty but tidy, and that was a pun in my dream (as in small) and we laughed. We were joyful as we ran up the steps toward the heavenly realm! So the friends and I ran from the place due to the fact that it was so full of filth. There was a back room, which I didn’t go into but the door was open where modern age people were viewing models walk a run way and it was very lewd and raucous and ungodly in that room. And I asked someone who walked out of there, why did you go in there? And he told me that there was a rapper like Justin Bieber that he knew and liked in there so he went too. But he looked so shocked and very upset. And he said that he wasn’t going back ever again; he also had pox on his face. The Interpretation: The world will get worse with its sinning and its vanities. People still continue to choose the world, the devil and vanities out of fear and/or lusts for the world and its goods. A plague is coming which I first saw in celebrities; the Lord revealed these to be celebrities of the faith. This disease was a skin pox which is painful and blister like and its severe phase and painful phase will last 14 days. The time of the pox may last longer than that, but the worst part lasts two weeks. It is very painful. Sun exposure makes it worse. Covering up with light linen clothes, long sleeved shirts, pants and skirts and wide brimmed hats helped to diminish or prevent the outbreaks. This was known to be a result of taking the vaccine in the dream. There was nothing that could be done for the pox, as it was called by me in my dream, other than prayer 🙏 as that helped to lessen the severity of the pain as well as the outbreak. The celebrities weren’t praying for each other, but were open to prayer by those unaffected. Modern medicine could not help the sufferers. These celebrities were very rich who couldn’t find or get a cure. There is a time where filth and lewdness will be everywhere and you will need to separate yourselves from the world and its vanities. Decrease exposure to your phone and YouTube, Facebook, and other social media sites where you are exposed to the world and celebrities. This Includes movies, TV, games and music. If you walk through that open door you will be horrified and shocked just as the man in my dream was, as times become even darker and more repulsive and scandalous. Don’t give the devil access to your souls. Live a repentant lifestyle and flee from the devil and his works. He is ancient and seems eloquent and talks very charmingly, but he is a deceiver and a snake and his words are meant to confuse. Run from him and run to God. Keep running the race upward toward heavens gates, care for one another and help lift up each other and carry the one who is lame. Carry your brother’s burdens as unto the Lord. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Remember the joy of the Lord is your strength. 🙏❤️🔥🔥 The Lord led me to look up cow pox; although it doesn’t seem to fit exactly the dream description; the actual pox could be a hybrid of cow pox with other things like herpes and staph. There aren’t any known cures for cowpox see journal article below and a case report. My daughter just drew a picture of a cow this week that was leashed in the meadow of her school field in the photo and she is standing over it. Her middle name is Grace. I believe God is leashing this cow pox so that it will not be as severe as it could have been by His grace. That is why prayer in His name will help the sufferers. Remember to thank God for His mercy and not blame Him for your suffering; as all things permitted by Him can be offered to Him for the salvation of your own soul and those of others. 🙏Amen
Apocalyptic dream of my relative.
Be ready, guard your hearts, obey GOD and repent from all wickedness. Shalom!🙏 Ok note to reader from the dreamer: not every dream is from the Lord. Pray about everything. Maybe this is not from the Lord or is just a normal dream or is a deception. ❤️🔥 However, I asked the Lord for a dream last night and then a relative tells me this dream that he had last night. This dream is Apocalyptic. He went to sleep thinking of the horrors of abortion in the land. What happened is he saw the sun shooting out lightening bolts and flashes. So many and so big and they were everywhere. Wherever the sun shot out the solar lightening bolts the earth was destroyed. He said the lightening was engulfing the land and that the land was caving in everywhere. He said it was very hot and he felt like his brain was shrinking to 40% the normal size. He said there was a huge earthquake that cracked the USA right down the middle. He said it was happening worldwide on the tectonic plates. The land folded up on itself like a sandwich, so that New York was now touching California like two pieces of bread with everything else in between. It was so horrible and the heat was so unbearable; and then just when he thought he couldn’t take it anymore he shot up in the air like a rocket and lifted up out of there. That was the end of his dream! 🙏 My dream last night was of people who were gathering together and some men were dressing like women; but still were bearded and so I knew they were actually a man in a woman’s pink dress and not a woman. It seems that of the three women I was talking to, one was actually a man. So one out of three people switched their genders. Like the agenda that is being pushed right now. And there was clearly confusion in the land and among the people, over what gender person you were really talking to and interacting with. Sounds like Sodom and Gomorrah right? Pray about it! Maybe the one in three is a timeline of when these things may happen. My relative said not to be afraid and not to share everywhere as he doesn’t want people to be afraid. He didn’t want to alarm people. Any prayerful interpretations appreciated. Also, remember by prayer and fasting even wars can be stopped. Our Lady of Fatima’s words to the three shepherd children. 🔥Maria |
AuthorHi, my name is Maria Conwell Archives
October 2024
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