Lord I have loved The habitation of Your house, and the place where Your glory dwells. Psalm 26:8 Dear ones, seek Me this day, While I can be Found. Yes, seek My counsel and My Help, for I AM for you; And I AM not against you. Dear lambs, gentle souls, Draw near to your God, Who loves you and Seeks you, as a Father His only Son. For this is My love for each of you. None are more desired, In My Kingdom, as I desire Each of you as My only Beloved child. So do not Delay, but come to Me, This day and tell Me all Of your concerns, and Faults. Let Me draw near And help you, for I AM A sure comfort in every Storm and I AM the way To eternal Life. I AM, Yours beloved, ❤️ Yeshua
9/23/22 My child There are many False prophets Among you. Beware, the leaven Of the false prophet; Will it not spoil The whole batch? Be wary, My children And watch! The fruit of the false Prophet will be on Display for all to see. Repent! Wicked prophets, For I the Lord, see and know Your evil deeds. What you do alone in the dark and Will come into My light, If you do not repent. Do not tell My people My holy words; When you yourselves are not holy. Be holy, as I am holy! And if your repent, And return to Me With all your heart, I will cover over your Sins and restore You in my strength. And if you don’t repent, Then your crown will be Passed To another, and your sham exposed. Return to Me, In tears and trembling, and I will heal you and restore you! ❤️Yeshua 9.20.22
“The disciples approached him and said, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” He said to them in reply, “Because knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven has been granted to you, but to them it has not been granted. To anyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; from anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” Matthew 13:10-12 NABRE https://bible.com/bible/463/mat.13.10-12.NABRE My children, Open your eyes to see, Open your ears to hear! I am nearby, seek Me And you will Find Me. I am not distant, But near to those, Brave ones who Seek My face. I will speak to You, one on one, And answer all Your questions. I AM, the beginning and the end; and all Truth resides in Me. I speak to My friends, Plainly, and to the Many, in parables. Yet I have called You friends, as that Is what you are, And for you I have Interceded with The Father. Be at peace My lambs. ❤️Yeshua 9/16/22
“Jesus answered, “Neither he nor his parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him.” John 9:3 NABRE https://bible.com/bible/463/jhn.9.3.NABRE My child, Behold, I make All things new! The old passes Away and reborn Are you in the new. I am ever ancient Ever new, my love Stretches forth from Generation to Generation to All My people. I draw them and renew them in My strength. I am their core, The sustenance Of their being. The graces you are Seeing in them I have Bestowed in My mercy. I am the beginning and The end of all things, By My breath I sustain Them and make them Bear witness to My truth. My children, remain in Me As I am in you and you also Will be My truth bearers. The blind will see, and the Deaf hear again all for My glory! I love you, ❤️Yeshua |
AuthorHi, my name is Maria Conwell Archives
October 2024
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