Psalms 44:3-4 My child, This is the word I want you to bring. Tell My people. Time is short and You will see My victory! By My hand, Shall you plant and sow your vineyards. By My hand, Will I expel people and plant you in the land for My name’s sake. It is I the Lord, who favor you, and My light shines upon you. No man can do this, but I the Lord! No person can take pride in this; For I AM the Lord, and there are None beside Me. I AM your portion, And your true recompense. Mine is The Gold and the Silver, and I distribute It to whomever I please. At this hour I will bless My people and restore Their fortunes that the locust has Eaten and worm has destroyed. For I AM a repairer of the breach, And I will return to you all that Was lost. All the lost sheep of Your household will be found by Me; And I will not let them go from My side. They will be loved and flavored by Me, as a sign of My covenant to you. Rejoice, Oh highly favored servant, For the Lord is with thee. ❤️Yeshua
“The Lord is king, the peoples tremble; he is enthroned on the cherubim, the earth quakes. Great is the Lord in Zion, exalted above all the peoples. Let them praise your great and awesome name: Holy is he!” Psalms 99:1-3 NABRE https://bible.com/bible/463/psa.99.1-3.NABRE My child, Soon all the earth And its people will Behold Me in My glory. I AM Holy, and the earth Will groan and react to My approach. She will Quake and vomit up her Filth from all the prior generations of men. Lands will slide and the Tides will be in upheaval. All creation will react to My coming and My visitation; And this is what you are Beholding now in your time. As I draw near to My Creation, all creation Trembles and is in awe Of My majesty. For I AM The King of Kings, and I AM the Lord of Lords! Every knee shall bow In My presence. Mountains shall be Laid low and valleys Raise up to behold Me. Lakes shall dry up and Expose their dead and Seas shall wash over And cleanse the lands. None are outside of My divine providence, If they shall but only Call upon My name, They shall be saved. My child, do not fear, Grown men shall quake And tremble, but you My daughter, look up And rejoice, for your Redemption is nigh. I love you, ❤️Yeshua 8/20/22:
Joel 1:14 My children, Proclaim a fast, Dedicate yourselves To Me, proclaim yourselves, Holy and set apart, To Me your God. Submit to the Divine will. The silver is mine And the gold is mine, Are you not My treasures, Holy and set apart to Me, To do My will? Lay Everything and everyone Dear to you at My feet. This is the key, I AM your Father, And you My children, Are My dearest treasures, You are the pearl of Great price! For which My only Son, Jesus Christ, Your Lord, and Savior, laid down His life. We love you so much, Dearest children, that nothing can separate You from our love. Even The damned in Hell know That God Loves them, but they did not! 😭 So choose, My children, To love Us in return and be United in our love. That all The joy and promise of the Heavenly Kingdom can be Yours for all eternity. We will be one with you and Make our house with you And you will dine with Us. For the banquet is eternal And the happiness unending For all those who trust in Us. ❤️Yeshua Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Holy is thy name, Thy kingdom come, thy Will be done. On earth as It is in heaven, give us this Day our daily bread and Forgive us our debts as we Forgive our debtors, and lead Us not into temptation but Deliver us from the evil one. Amen 🙏 8/19/22:
Daniel 7:29 The time is coming My children, For you to reign And rule over The kingdoms Of this world; With My authority, Grace and power. I give you dominion, And no man can Take it from you. What God gives, No man can take, Nor antichrist spirit. No, for the doors I will open for My People, no man Can shut as I AM Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides. And I AM your supply In this hour. My Child, keep your Eyes upon Me in The storm, as I AM Your shelter and You will walk on Water in your day. It is My doing, and I will provide the key. I love you ❤️Yeshua 8/18/22:
Isaiah 19:14-15 My child, Do not wonder Or be amazed When you see the Great city fall, For they will be Dazed on the day Of My reckoning And stagger about As if hit by a blow. None expect it And none are Prepared For it, The time of My coming. Who shall stand In My presence? All the people will Be bowed low. My child, as Egypt is dizzy With lust and Evil doing, so She shall be Dizzy with My judgements. One after the Other without Relenting, she Shall experience My wrath. And Then the Pharaoh’s Of the land, will Let My people go. When you see These things Happening, know That your redemption Is nigh and I will Lead you out of That land of your Fathers, into My Promised land. I love you. ❤️Yeshua 8/16/22:
I kept the faith, even when I said, “I am greatly afflicted!” I said in my alarm, “All men are liars!” Psalms 116:10-11 My child, Even though Men lie; I Am the Truth, And My words Are true and You will see The truth In your day! I will come to My people And commune With them; As I did in My garden. Once more, For My glory. My cup shall Overflow with Joy for My people; Who have run their Race well and been Found without stain. For I will restore My people to Myself and they shall Enjoy My Eternal rest And My peace. My children, Do not fear The present age Or it’s trials; I have overcome The world and its Powers! These Difficulties will Soon Be forgotten, In the time to come. And I will wipe Every tear from Your eyes. I love you ❤️ Yeshua 8/12/22:
John 9:39 My child, I know and I hear The cry’s of My people. My heart longs to Comfort and console Them. I AM the Father Of Light and Love, No little one will Be left behind. I AM truth and I AM justice; pray For those who do Not love Me or My creation as they Will answer to Me. Eternal fire and Despair is theirs for Their crimes and their Evil doing. No one will Be spared who do not First run to My mercy! I AM love and mercy Itself, and I offer My Grace to all mankind; Who spurns Me and Prefers their wickedness To My goodness and grace. So be it! They will have Their day in court With Me! And it will Not go well for them! Where are My people Who are called by My Name? The prayers of My People will change hearts And stop wars and right The wrongs of this world. I AM here and I never Leave or abandon My People. ❤️Yeshua 8/11/22:
Job 9:7-8 My child, Here I AM I who dreamed first, Of My creation. Who formed the Heavens and the stars. Who placed the sun, In its position for warmth And light. Here I AM I beckon to My creation, To come to Me, With all their hearts! Withhold nothing from Me, As it is I, who created you; For My purposes and My design. Here I AM I AM calling you, To wholeness in Me. To reveal to you, Things you do not know, And can not fathom. Deeper than the sea, Are My mysteries and As unsearchable as The darkest sky. Here I AM My children it is I, Who long for you, And desire your friendship! I created and designed You. Your are Mine and not An accident of nature! You are called, And I know you By name! I AM Here Waiting for your Yes, to My request. So come to Me, With all your love. I have not forsaken you, Nor cast you off! I love you, Here I AM ❤️Yeshua AUG 9, 2022
The Weekly Word/Broadcast Rev 11:19 God’s Temple in Heaven was Opened In my dream I was watching the night sky with a few people and I was standing outside at someone’s house near a wooden deck and a trampoline. It felt like I was babysitting someone’s children for them, When we all looked at the sky and saw fireworks in the sky, And we heard the popping sounds of the fireworks; and also the whooshing, whirring and screaming prior to the pop at the end. Except that the fireworks were in the actual night sky, And we realized that these weren’t fireworks at all, but a comet. And not just one comet, appeared But many comets, one right on top of the other! And I realized this is perilous and urged everyone to get Inside the house, because We were in danger and exposed. The children were laughing and smiling at the fireworks though; and were enjoying the sights and sounds, as if at a normal Fourth of July celebration. The Lord’s Word’s and revelation concerning the dream: My child, Lo, I have longed to tell you Of My coming Glory. For all My people to behold! Never have eyes seen what this generation Is about to bear witness too. My child, hold fast Under the storms of this life, For I AM your sure shelter, And never will I depart from you. Although the elements may surprise you and at times rage against you, I AM for you and Not against you! Nor will My spirit Ever depart from you. Little ones, believe and Know that I love you, And My Kingdom will Come on earth as it Is in heaven. ❤️Yeshua Meditation: God’s temple in heaven was opened Prayer: Lord, reveal to us, your little children, your divine Mysteries! We long to know you and behold your Truth! Help us to comprehend the signs of the times and Observe your statutes for love of you. Give us clean hearts, Oh Lord, and create a steadfast spirit within us! We love you, dearest Yeshua, and wish only to love you more and more! ❤️ Bottom line: I AM coming! Prepare yourselves! I love you! ❤️Yeshua |
AuthorHi, my name is Maria Conwell Archives
October 2024
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