Todays meditation: THE LORD GAVE THEM PEACE ON EVERY SIDE! He leads us to restful waters; He is our Shepherd; there is nothing we shall want. How good to have Jesus on our side! If He is with us, who can be against us? He is our friend and our hope; all joy and goodness comes through Him, in Him and by Him! We are blessed to be numbered among His friends and loved ones. How good it is to remain in His company. Spend time with Him today that He may lead you to restful waters where peace and blessing is on every side! Amen 🙏
Todays meditation: HOW MUCH LONGER WILL YOU PUT OFF TAKING STEPS? This is a serious question. The Lord projects creative ideas and inspirations onto each of our hearts. He is the creator and He knows how to create in you and through you. So the question remains; how long will you put off taking steps. Sometimes it is just taking a little step that is important. That first step of faith. Maybe taking that art class; or sitting down to write for 30 minutes per day. Whatever that little step may be for you. Going back to school for your real estate or business license. The Lord has been nudging each of us individually to make a step. Let’s pray into which steps we need to take in order to fulfill that promise and accomplish His plans for us. 🙏
Todays meditation: a very large part of the land still remains! What part of our heritage is still missing for us? What part of our land have we not yet possessed? Even though we have conquered and subdued the lands around us what more needs to be done? And what is the Lord asking of us? These are good questions to ask the Lord this week as we continue in prayer and fasting this lent and seek to grow closer to Him. What is He speaking to your heart? What is He saying to you? Each of us must learn to listen and obey wherever and whenever He calls. 🙏
Todays meditation: DO NOT FEAR THEM! When the Lord is with you, who can be against you? All through the book of Joshua; we see how the Lord gives specific instructions to Joshua on how to defeat his enemies. And in each situation miracles abounded. The Lord fought against the enemies of Israel with natural disasters too. Sending hailstones as large as rocks to finish off an army. Sometimes natural signs and wonders are part of Gods miracles. Like when the sun stood still and also the moon so that Joshua had more time with light on the battlefield. His signs are all around us; do you perceive them? Please share any signs or wonders with the community for the building up of the faith! God bless! 🙏
Todays meditation: I HAVE DELIVERED JERICHO, its king, and its warriors into your power! The Lord is the deliverer! He is more than able and capable to deliver His people from bondage and captivity of any kind! He is able. He has the strategy and instruction that when followed will lead to victory. In Joshua’s case He ordered the people to circle the city for 7 days with the priests carrying the ark of the covenant and blowing rams horns before them. On the 7th day they were to do the same but 7 times and then shout afterwards! This caused the collapse of the wall that was before them and the Israelites overtook the city and its people. If God is for you, who can be against you? God is the deliverer and He will do it! We need to follow His instructions! 🙏
Today’s meditation: GIVE ME A RELIABLE SIGN. It is biblical to ask for a sign. Sometimes we need the Lords definitive sign to move forward. We need to know if we do something, we are acting according to the Lords will for our lives. Especially, concerning safety of home and family members; like with Rahab who helped the Israelites spies and wanted a sign and surety for her and her households safety. It is important to step out in faith and ask the Lord for a sign. He says in His word; test me in this! “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, That there may be food in my house. Put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, And see if I do not open the floodgates of heaven for you, and pour down upon you blessing without measure!”
Malachi 3:10 NABRE Today’s meditation: BE STRONG AND STEADFAST! It is important for us to keep the faith on our journey to the promised land! We must be strong and steadfast in our promises and our focus. What have we striven to sacrifice or offer up this lent as we journey with Christ to the cross? Let us continue to persevere in our prayers and fasting and continue along the way He is leading us. We need only to follow Him. After the cross comes the resurrection. A time of healing, renewal and peace for His people. Shalom! 🙏
Today’s meditation: THE REVEALED THINGS ARE FOR US AND FOR OUR CHILDREN FOREVER. The Lord reveals things to us for our good and for the good of our children. So we can be a resource to them out of His goodness to us. We are waiting patiently upon the promises of the Lord at this time, just as the Israelites waited to enter into their promised land. He took them through a period of testing in the desert to ensure that all the rebels among them were vanquished and would not reach the promised land. So in our time of testing, let us not become rebellious to the Lord and grow weary of His promises, but to trust entirely in Him. Even Moses wasn’t able to enter into the promised land due to his disobedience. No one is outside of God’s testing and refining. Everyone goes through the purification process in order to enter into His presence, which is the holy fire of His love. Don’t grow weary, hang in there, what God has for us is exceedingly beyond what you could have imagined and is worth the wait! 🙏
Tonight’s meditation: AND YOU WILL BE A PEOPLE HOLY TO THE LORD AS HE PROMISED! Isn’t it lovely that the Lord makes the promise that we will be holy? It isn’t of our own strength and merit that we are holy, but by His grace. As St. Terese of Liseaux explains in her diary of a soul; His grace acted to prevent her from falling into the mud pit and traps of sin that others fell into. She attributes none of this to her own merit, but completely His grace. However, as she points out, this doesn’t make her any better than anyone else; it was Gods mercy that prevented her from sinning, just as it is Gods mercy who calls back the greatest sinner to repentance. Both are equally grand and noble and point to the wonderful grace and mercy of God who saves us. I find this very comforting. As I say to my kids I will say to all of you: a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying. We brush off our knees after we fall and we stand up again with our eyes on Him and walk forward and follow Him. 🙏
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